Legal Information - ETU

ETU Rohr GmbH


ETU Rohr GmbH
Untere Roland­straße 21
57076 Siegen


Phone: +49 (0) 271 / 31 79 90 — 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 271 / 31 79 90 — 98
E‑Mail: info[at]


Dipl.-Kfm. Klaus Eibach


Entry in the Com­mer­cial Register
Amts­ge­richt (Local Court) Siegen HRB 8686


Value-added-tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion-number


Lia­bi­lity for con­tents
Alt­hough the con­tents of our web­sites have been com­piled with grea­test care, we cannot assume any lia­bi­lity for their cor­rect­ness, com­ple­teness and topi­cality. As a pro­vider of ser­vices we are acc. to § 7 par.1 TMG (German Tele­ser­vices Act) respon­sible for own con­tents on these sites accor­ding to general law. Pur­suant to §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are however not obliged as a pro­vider of ser­vices to monitor any trans­mitted or stored third-party infor­ma­tion or to inves­ti­gate cir­cum­s­tances which hint to an unlawful act. Any obli­ga­tions to with­draw infor­ma­tion or block their use accor­ding to general laws remain unaf­fected. A lia­bi­lity as to this effect is however only pos­sible from the time of kno­wing a con­crete inf­rin­ge­ment. Should we get know­ledge of such an inf­rin­ge­ment, we will imme­dia­tely with­draw these contents.


Lia­bi­lity for links
Our ser­vice con­tains links to external web sites of third par­ties, the con­tents of which are beyond our con­trol. This is why we cannot assume any lia­bi­lity for these external con­tents. The con­tents of linked sites are under the respon­si­bi­lity of the respec­tive pro­vider or ope­rator of such sites. When being linked, the sites were che­cked for any pos­sible inf­rin­ge­ments. No unlawful con­tents were observed at the time of lin­king. It is however not reasonable to con­ti­nuously check the con­tents of linked sites wit­hout any spe­cific indi­ca­tion of an inf­rin­ge­ment. Should we get know­ledge of such an inf­rin­ge­ment, we will imme­dia­tely delete such links.


The con­tents and works on these sites com­piled by the site ope­rator are sub­ject to the German copy­right law. Any repro­duc­tion, pro­ces­sing, dis­tri­bu­tion and any type of use beyond the scope of the copy­right law require the written con­sent of the respec­tive author and/or creator. Down­loa­ding and copying this site are only per­mitted for pri­vate and non-com­mer­cial use. As far as the con­tents of this site have not been com­piled by the ope­rator, third-party copy­rights are respected. In par­ti­cular, con­tents created by third par­ties are marked as such. Should you nevert­heless note a copy­right inf­rin­ge­ment, we kindly ask you to let us know this infor­ma­tion. Should we get know­ledge of any inf­rin­ge­ment, we will imme­dia­tely delete such contents.