
Pro­duct portfolio


After having pro­duced the requested tubes, we pack them in wooden boxes or on pal­lets to be safely trans­ported, always paying atten­tion to the world­wide appli­cable packing regu­la­tions for a trouble-free ship­ment to our cus­to­mers’ sites.

Our Packing

accor­ding to cus­to­mers’ requests

Packing in wooden boxes and on pal­lets enables to arrange the pro­ducts depen­ding on the radius and in layers. The wooden boxes have a screwable front side enab­ling an easier with­drawal of the pro­ducts and they have a cor­re­spon­ding packing and with­drawal sche­dule for an easier hand­ling. The used wooden boxes fur­ther­more comply with the IPPC stan­dards for pro­tec­tion against pests and can be used for trans­porting the goods by ship. We are pleased to mark the packages accor­ding to our cus­to­mers’ requests. Fur­ther­more, the tubes are labelled and tagged correspondingly.

Our Packing portfolio:

1 By radius in wooden box
2 In layers in wooden box
3 Wooden box for sea transport
4 Wooden box with screwable front side for an easier with­drawal of the products
5 Wood in accordance with IPPC
6 Packing and with­drawal sche­dule as an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion on wooden boxes
7 On pallet by radius
8 On pallet in layers
9 In bundles depen­ding on the radius
10 Loose types
11 Label­ling and tag­ging of the tubes
12 Packing iden­ti­fi­ca­tion accor­ding to the customer’s request
Contact to ETU Rohr GmbH
We will be happy to answer your ques­tions about our pro­duct solu­tions for all requi­re­ments and answer your enquiry as soon as possible.
Pro­ducts and Services


Tube bends/bent components

U‑tubes with round bend

Box-shaped U‑tubes

High and low finned U‑tubes