U-tubes with round bend

Pro­duct portfolio


We offer you U‑tubes with round bend which can be used for very dif­fe­rent appli­ca­tions. The U‑tubes are sup­plied as 180° ver­sion accor­ding to the customer’s spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, made of seam­less or welded tubes, manu­fac­tu­ring com­plies with appli­cable stan­dard spe­ci­fi­ca­tions and is car­ried out with hig­hest pre­cision. Our pro­cesses ensure the pos­si­bi­lity to imple­ment a wide variety of our final cus­to­mers’ spe­ci­fi­ca­tions as well as non-stan­dard designs made of steels, stain­less steels and spe­cial alloys. If requested, we also imple­ment accep­tances which are related to the manu­fac­tu­ring of the pro­ducts as well as tech­no­lo­gical and mecha­nical tests. 

For design engineers:

The 5 most important para­me­ters when desig­ning U‑tubes for heat exch­an­gers that will save you time and money!

All in one PDF. All the important facts about the five decisive para­me­ters for the con­fi­gu­ra­tion of U‑tubes - from tube ben­ding radius to ben­ding spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, available to read at any time.   INCLU­SIVE: Table “The most common mistakes when desig­ning U‑tubes and how to avoid them” in PDF format straight to your inbox! 

Your boss will be grateful
As a desi­gner, our check­list will help you design U‑tubes for shell and tube heat exch­an­gers faster and better.

Down­load now for free.
All the important facts about the five decisive para­me­ters for the con­fi­gu­ra­tion of U‑tubes - from tube ben­ding radius to ben­ding spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, available to read at any time. INCLU­SIVE: Table “The most common mistakes when desig­ning U‑tubes and how to avoid them” in PDF format straight to your inbox! 

    Thank you very much

    Check your E‑Mail inbox, we have sent you the checklist.


    U‑tube with round bend

    Tube dia­meter
    6,0 – 60,3 mm

    Wall thic­k­ness
    0,6 – 6,0 mm

    Length of the straight tube
    up to 40 m

    Leg length
    up to 18 m

    Steel tubes accor­ding to EN10216‑2 / EN10216‑3 / EN10216‑4
    Steel tubes accor­ding to ASME SA-213 Gr.T2 / T5 / T9 / T11 / T12 / T22 / SA-179 / SA-334-Gr.1–3‑6 / SA-106Gr.B / SA-210‑M
    Stain­less-steel tubes accor­ding to EN10216‑5 / EN10217‑7
    Stain­less-steel tubes accor­ding to ASME SA-249 / SA-213 / SA-312 / SA-789 / SB-111 / SB-163 / SB-363 / SB-395 / SB-622 / SB-626 / SB-677
    Copper tubes and copper alloys
    Nickel tubes and nickel alloys
    Tita­nium tubes 1/2/3/6/12

    Cold-water pres­sure-test up to 600 bar
    Air under water test
    Dye pene­tra­tion test
    Internal and external purity test 
    Com­ple­men­tary pro­ces­sing methods
    Heat tre­at­ment
    Glass bead blasting

    Anne­aling and pres­sure testing plant
    CNC-con­trolled ben­ding machine
    CNC-con­trolled sawing and mea­su­ring tables
    Contact to ETU Rohr GmbH
    We will be happy to answer your ques­tions about our pro­duct solu­tions for all requi­re­ments and answer your enquiry as soon as possible.
    Pro­ducts and services


    Tube bends/bent components

    Box-shaped U‑tubes

    High and low finned U‑tubes