Karl Theis GmbH – we bend products in the right way!

ETU Rohr GmbH


ETU Rohr GmbH offers you a wide range of high-grade U‑tubes as indi­vi­dual non-stan­dard bends - we are your partner in the field of tube ben­ding tech­no­logy and we are pleased to pro­vide advice to find the right pro­duct for your requirements! 

For design engineers:

The 5 most important para­me­ters when desig­ning U‑tubes for heat exch­an­gers that will save you time and money!

All in one PDF. All the important facts about the five decisive para­me­ters for the con­fi­gu­ra­tion of U‑tubes - from tube ben­ding radius to ben­ding spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, available to read at any time.   INCLU­SIVE: Table “The most common mistakes when desig­ning U‑tubes and how to avoid them” in PDF format straight to your inbox! 

Your boss will be grateful
As a desi­gner, our check­list will help you design U‑tubes for shell and tube heat exch­an­gers faster and better.

Down­load now for free.
All the important facts about the five decisive para­me­ters for the con­fi­gu­ra­tion of U‑tubes - from tube ben­ding radius to ben­ding spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, available to read at any time. INCLU­SIVE: Table “The most common mistakes when desig­ning U‑tubes and how to avoid them” in PDF format straight to your inbox! 

    Thank you very much

    Check your E‑Mail inbox, we have sent you the checklist.

    Pro­ducts and services


    We offer not only pro­fes­sional manu­fac­tu­ring in accordance with your requi­re­ments and spe­ci­fi­ca­tions but also opti­mised pack­a­ging solu­tions for a safe dome­stic and inter­na­tional trans­port. Benefit, moreover, from our wide range of test and inspec­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties. Not only our in-house stan­dard tests and inspec­tions but also those car­ried out by external ser­vice pro­vi­ders always assure a reliable result. A com­pe­tent ETU contact person will accom­pany you throug­hout the entire process.

    Tube bends/bent components

    U‑tubes with round bend

    Box-shaped U‑tubes

    High and low finned U‑tubes

    Cer­ti­fied quality


    We set high value on our spe­cific ver­tical range of manu­fac­ture, our com­pre­hen­sive busi­ness acti­vi­ties and our ser­vice. A great number of cer­ti­fi­cates and appr­ovals con­firm the qua­lity of our work, ensu­ring ade­quate assu­rance to our cus­to­mers for a reliable coope­ra­tion. Fur­ther­more, we are cer­ti­fied by TÜV SÜD Manage­ment Ser­vice GmbH DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and we are an accre­dited manu­fac­turer accor­ding to TÜV Nord Sys­tems GmbH & Co. KG AD 2000-Data Sheet HP0 / HP100 R / TRD 201 as well as DIN EN ISO 3834–2 (EN 729–2) and Qua­lity Manage­ment System for manu­fac­tu­rers of mate­rials accor­ding to the rule 97/23/EG for pres­sure equipment.

    ETU Rohr GmbH


    As a tra­di­tional com­pany, we know about the sus­taina­bi­lity of in-house trai­ning — both for the qua­lity of craft­sman­ship and for under­stan­ding our cor­po­rate philosophy.