ETU Rohr GmbH | Qualität für verschiedenste Branchen

For design engineers:

The 5 most important para­me­ters when desig­ning U‑tubes for heat exch­an­gers that will save you time and money!

All in one PDF. All the important facts about the five decisive para­me­ters for the con­fi­gu­ra­tion of U‑tubes - from tube ben­ding radius to ben­ding spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, available to read at any time.   INCLU­SIVE: Table “The most common mistakes when desig­ning U‑tubes and how to avoid them” in PDF format straight to your inbox! 

Your boss will be grateful
As a desi­gner, our check­list will help you design U‑tubes for shell and tube heat exch­an­gers faster and better.

Down­load now for free.
All the important facts about the five decisive para­me­ters for the con­fi­gu­ra­tion of U‑tubes - from tube ben­ding radius to ben­ding spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, available to read at any time. INCLU­SIVE: Table “The most common mistakes when desig­ning U‑tubes and how to avoid them” in PDF format straight to your inbox! 

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    Check your E‑Mail inbox, we have sent you the checklist.
